Gabriel L. Hamer, PhD
Certified Wildlife Biologist®
Research Staff
Lisa Auckland
Laboratory Manager
B.S. Texas A&M University, Genetics
Nadia Fernandez Santos
Research Associate
MBA Universidad de la Rioja
BS Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico
Chris Downs
Research Assistant
B.S. UC-Davis, Molecular and Cellular Biology – Genetics
Francisco C. Ferreira, PhD, MS, DVM
Assistant Research Scientist
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Minas Gerais
MSc. in Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Minas Gerais
PhD in Parasitology, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Project: Zoonotic and arboviral disease ecology
Yuexun Tian, PhD
Assistant Research Scientist
B.S. China Agricultural University, Plant Protection
M.S. Auburn University, Department of Entomology
PhD University of Florida, Department of Entomology
Project: The ecology and control of ticks and other arthropod vectors
Wendy Tang, PhD
Research Associate
PhD. University of Uppsala, Sweden, Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
B.S. Pharmacy
Ryan Almeida
Laboratory Technician
M.S. The University of Arizona, Natural Resources – Wildlife Conservation and Management
B.S. The University of Texas at Austin, Biology – Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
Sarah Sittenauer
Research Assistant
B.S. Texas A&M University, Biology
Claire Nevins
Laboratory Technician
B.S.A. The University of Texas at Austin, Biology
Miguel Arias-Guerrero
Program Aide
B.S. The University of Texas-Pan American, Biology
Post-doctoral Researchers
Graduate Students
Abdisalam Abdi, MS
PhD Canidate, Department of Entomology
B.S. Kassala University, Agricultural and Natural Resources / Plant Protection, Sudan
M.S. Annamalai University, Entomology, India
Megan Heineman, MPH
PhD Student, Department of Entomology
MPH University of Minnesota, Environmental Health
B.S. Emory University, Environmental Science
Project: Ecology of soft ticks and African swine fever virus transmission
Undergraduate Researchers
Elise Hoffman
Undergraduate Student
Alyssabeth Hacker
Undergraduate Student
Biomedical Sciences
Megan Nicholson
Undergraduate Student
Molecular & Cell Biology
Allison Speed
Undergraduate Student
Interdisciplinary Engineering
Kenny Reagle
Undergraduate Student Researcher
Biomedical Science
Past Graduate Students and Post-docs, and employees
Nicole Scavo, MS
PhD Student
Current: Postdoc, Indiana University
Jake Host
Undergraduate Student
Forensic and Investigative Science
Macie Garza
MPH Student
B.S. Texas A&M University, Biomedical Sciences
Jose Juarez, PhD
PhD Student and Post-doctoral Researcher
Current: Tropical Medicine Principal Investigator, Universidad Del Valle de Guatemala
Chris Roundy, PhD
Post-doctoral Researcher
Current: Medical Entomologist, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Charlotte Rhodes
MS Student
Alex Pauvolid-Correa, DVM, MSc, PhD
Assistant Research Scientist
Current: Professor of Veterinary Virology, Universidade Dederal de Vicosa, Brazil
Dayvion Adams
MS Student
Current: PhD student, North Carolina State University
Mark Olson, BSC, MPH, PhD
PhD Student
Current: Lt Col PACAF Medical Entomologist, Kadena AB, Okinawa
Ester Carbajal
Research Assistant
Estelle Martin, PhD
Assistant Research Scientist
Current: Assistant Professor, University of Florida
Edwin Valdez
Research Assistant
Selene Garcia Luna, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Current: Investigator of Arbovirology, Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon
Courtney Avila
Research Assistant
Based at AgriLife Research Center in Weslaco, TX.
Andrew Golnar, PhD
PhD Student
Current: Postdoc, USDA, Ft. Collins, CO
Karen Poh, PhD
PhD Student
Current: Research Entomologist, USDA ARS, Pullman, Washington
Justin Bejcek
M.S. Student in Veterinary Public Health- Epidemiology
Lopa Chakraborty
Matthew Medeiros
Postdoctoral Researcher
Current: Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii
Emily Boothe
MS Graduate Student
Current: Biologist, Clarke Mosquito Control
Past Undergraduate students and Visiting Researchers
Katelyn Humlicek
Undergraduate Student
Biomedical Sciences and Public Health Entomology
Danya Garza
Undergraduate Student
Biomedical Sciences
Bisharo Farah
Undergraduate Student
Biomedical Sciences
Lauren Hinojosa
Undergraduate Student
Biomedical Sciences
Emily Leeke
Undergraduate Student
Biomedical Sciences and Entomology
Mrudula (Maddi) Movva
Undergraduate Student
Biomedical Sciences and Entomology
Kortney Lyle
Undergraduate Student
Biomedical Sciences
Haley Gavranovic
Undergraduate Student
Department of Entomology
Erik Aguirre Cordero
Undergraduate Student
Department of Entomology
Isaac Luna
Undergraduate Student
Department of Entomology
Victoria Kamilar
Undergraduate Student
Animal Sciences
Chelsea Glorida
Undergraduate Student
Biomedical Sciences and Entomology
Helena Hopson
Undergraduate Student
Biomedical Sciences
Cierra Briggs
Undergraduate Student
Biomedical Sciences and Entomology
Elaine Chu
Undergraduate Student
Department of Entomology
Project: Culicoides community composition and associated pathogens
Alexis Allen
Undergraduate Student
Department of Entomology
Project: Viral symbionts in Texas mosquito populations
James Sanchez
Undergraduate student researcher
Major: Biomedical Science
Minor: Entomology
Project: West Nile virus transmission in Texas
Chris Beck
Student researcher
Major: Biomedical Science
Project: Research assistant for multiple projects
Amber Nava
DVM student researcher
Project: Mosquito-bird interactions and the amplificaiton of West Nile virus
Michelle Yazdchi
Pharmacy student research
Project: Mosquito-bird interactions and the amplificaiton of West Nile virus
Samantha Casas
Undergraduate Research Opportunity in Entomology (UROE)
Project: Implicating potential vectors of Rift Valley fever virus in North America
Tim Forman
Undergraduate student researcher
Project: Mosquito blood meal analysis
Heather (Raven) Frady
Project: Molecular and genetic characterization of triatomine
vectors of Chagas disease in Texas
Sage Lane
Masters of Public Health candidate
B.S. in Microbiology, University of Oklahoma
Project: Spatial epidemiology of triatomine vectors of Chagas disease
Chris Maderia
MS Graduate Student
Department of Geography
B.S. Brigham Young University, Geography
Project: Assisting with several projects studying the spatial epidemiology of West Nile virus in Texas
Muhammad Monk
Undergraduate student researcher
Project: Evaluation of mosquito larvicide program at reducing adult mosquito abundance
Sarah Noe
Undergraduate student researcher
Research assistant for multiple projects
Michael Sanders
Undergraduate student researcher
Research assistant for multiple projects
Chris Terrand
Undergraduate student researcher
2013 mosquito crew
Lee Vang
Project: Detecting vector-borne hemoparasites in the endangered whooping crane